Namaste, iam Claire Grisby, Take it easy.

What Is A Twin Flame Third Party? [Solved]

Usually when people in the Twin Flame community mention “third party”, they mean a person outside of the connection coming between the two twins. It’s usually, although not exclusively, a karmic connection. They talk about the third party as a kind of romantic roadblock to be bulldozed, a problem to be overcome.

Twin Flames & Third Parties ⎮The TRUTH About Twin Flame 3rd Party

Twin flame third parties

Twin Flame Third Party⎮What to Do When Your Twin Flame is With Someone Else

The fact that

Do you also stress about the third party in your twinflame union?

Instagram Handle: magicalmystery_tarot Whatsapp: +91-9871880472 #twinflamejourney #healingunion #unionconsciousness …