Hola, iam Matthew Propheter, Have a blessed day.

What Is A Good Fan Curve For Gpu? [Solved]

Thus, we recommend starting from 30% fan usage and increasing it once it crosses 30C (the idle GPU temperature a.k.a your room temperature). At or slightly before 80C is where you want to reach maximum fan speed so place a marker at 100% fan speed at a temperature nearing 80C.2 Oct 2020

Custom Fan Curve Guide | Any GPU | MSI Afterburner | 2022 Guide

Is your

How to create a perfect fan curve | be quiet!

“Water coolers are always louder than air coolers!” Well, that might be true in theory, but after watching this video you will be able …

This ONE TRICK Will Make Your GPU Run Cooler

With ONE CLICK you can make your