Hola, iam Kevin Kilman, Hope you’re doing good!

What Is A Good Apm In Lol? [Solved]

Beginners often have low APM counts, typically below 50. Professional e-athletes in South Korea usually have average APM scores around 350, but often exceed the 450 mark during intense battle sequences. Notable gamers with over 400 average APM include Lee Jae-Dong. Park Sung-Joon is noted for the record APM of 818.

Why APM Matters in League of Legends

Stream Schedule: Monday - Saturday 16:00 CET Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this video, any feedback is appreciated! If you are …

What CHALLENGER High APM Looks Like…


This Is What 5000 APM Looks Like in League of Legends #327

How to become a better streamer? How to edit a highlight video? I’ll explain your obvious mistakes and teach you how to produce …