Hola, iam Stephanie Kelly, Don’t miss me too much.

What Is A Forensic Loop? [Solved]

Loop - A type of print pattern in which one or more friction ridges enter on one side of the print, curve up and around and back down, then flow out on the same side of the print from which it entered; types can be divided into left slant loops and right slant loops or, if the source of the print is known to be a

Forensics: Fingerprints - Loops, Arches, and Whorls

Learn the 8 General Patterns of fingerprints. In this first video of this 3-part series. Here’s the links for parts 2 & 3!

b00t2root19 CTF: Loopback [PCAP Forensics]

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Forensics Challenge Walkthroughs - DownUnderCTF (DUCTF) 2021

Video walkthrough for some