Hello, iam Michael Lutz, Hope you’re doing good!

What Is A Bathroom Called In Ireland? [Solved]

The Jacks The Jacks. In Ireland, ’the jacks’ means ’toilet’, most commonly used to refer to public bathrooms.

Is Toilet Paper The Only Way? No Jet Spray? All Solutions For You !

E-mail: sajagporwalyt@gmail.com You can follow and DM me on social media and I will make sure to take your suggestions, …

How To Use a Bidet

In this video, I show you how to use a bidet. Living in Italy, my husband and I have really come to appreciate having a bidet in our …

WTF is Brexit? - Foil Arms and Hog

WTF is Brexit? - Foil Arms and Hog. #Brexit #UK #Comedy Let us explain to you the difference in brexit, britain, the uk and …