Hello, iam Virginia Hunter, Don’t worry, it’s one day closer to the weekend.

What Is 2D Display? [Solved]

A 2D display or simply display is always part of the user interface. It serves to display the network topology, the units’ activations and the weights of the links. Each unit is located on a grid position, which simplifies the positioning of the units.

Screens & 2D Graphics: Crash Course Computer Science #23

Today we begin our discussion of computer graphics. So we ended last episode with the proliferation of command line (or text) …

How 3D Games are Played on 2D Screens

Rambling about graphics See it on GitHub: https://github.com/kevinjycui/Discord3D-Renderer Join the Discord: …

This Video Is 2D And 3D Simultaneously: the Pulfrich Effect

Hold on tight, because with a stabilised camera shot and a pair of sunglasses, you’re about to see a video that works in both