Greetings, iam Sandra Crum, Hope you’re having a great week!

What Happens If Music Is Not Structured Or Arranged? [Solved]

If harmonic or melodic structure is not properly organized in time, the music would be perceived to be out of order, hard to follow, and the listener’s expectancies would be confused.22 Feb 2018

Song Structure in Music Explained (How To Arrange Your Songs)

In this video, you’ll learn about

Creating Psytrance: Arrangement Idea - Why I don’t use the MARKER track?

What is up peeps! Today we’re looking at taking the loops you’ve created and fleshing them out into a full Psytrance

PDC22 FP7 | Feeling the Edges of Boundaries

Full Papers Session 7 featuring: - “Choreographic Infrastructuring for Design Things – A New Method for Participatory Design in …