Sup, iam Steven Richardson, I bid you good day, sir/ma’am.

What Does Yt People Mean? [Solved]

Users of the app may have seen the phrase “yt” being used in comments, captions or the popular text-to-voice generator featured in videos. Coined as a replacement for “white people,” the letters sound out “whitey.” It might seem an odd and unnecessary abbreviation, but there are a few reasons behind it.20 May 2021

What Does YT Mean TikTok - What Does YT Mean In Texting

What Does YT Mean

They are trying to be r.acis.t to YT people | 3colorzzz Reactions

They are trying to be r.acis.t to

hi, I’m Dream.

hi, I’m Dream, and this is what I look like. After years of being completely faceless online, I finally decided to