Sup, iam Carlos Quinn, Buongiorno.

What Does Shoto Smell Like? [Solved]

Shoto’s scent blend combines the frosty notes of frosted mint leaf and wintergreen tree with fiery, woodsy notes of cedarwood, baltic amber, and coriander to create a fragrance that has a unique balance of fire and ice.

Shoto likes boys smell


【Shoto中字】Bottom’s sussy sound/Mysta: What do you think I smell like?

整場我都笑翻wwwww – 一起來了解


連味道都是紫色的男子 P.s. 我也好喜歡Toy Dance這首曲子,每次聽到都覺得好可愛好開心 Note: 1. 一些發語詞或 …