Hola, iam Jennifer Tisdale, I hope today is better than yesterday.

What Does It Mean When A Fly Is Always Around You? [Solved]

What do flies mean spiritually? Seeing or dream about a fly can help you understand your emotions, decisions you’ve made in the past, and decisions you will make in the future. Seeing flies is often a sign of heavy emotions, including anxiety, irritation, frustration, guilt and fear.10 Sept 2021

Here’s How That Annoying Fly Dodges Your Swatter | Deep Look


How Much Weight Can a Fly Actually Lift? Experiment—I Lassoed a Fly!

In this video I catch a

Why Do Helicopters Fly In Circles? Are The Cops Watching You?

Many people see helicopters circling overhead but are not quite sure why. This video talks about why pilots make the helicopter …