Namaste, iam Harry Scott, Have an awesome day!

What Does Eudamed Stand For? [Solved]

The creation of a European database on medical devices (EUDAMED) is one of the key aspects of the new rules on medical devices (Regulation (EU) 2017/745) and in vitro diagnostic medical devices (Regulation (EU) 2017/746).

Webinar: EUDAMED - EU MDR & IVDR Vorbereitung

Agenda: • Anforderungen der MDR 2017/745 und IVDR 2017/746 • Module der

All secrets on UDI: Unique Device Identification (MDR 2017/745 & IVDR 2017/746)

On this Episode, Monir El Azzouzi will provide you some information on what is the UDI for the new Medical Device Regulation …

EUDAMED SAP Add-On Vorstellung

In diesem Webinar zeigen wir die funktionsweise