Namaste, iam Byron Melendez, Today will be the best!

What Does Chorro Mean In Lotería? [Solved]

That’s when I remembered, “chorro” is four images in a line whether vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. If 10 people are playing, the prize is 10 pesos, which can vary depending on the number of cards each player has. The first one to say “chorro” takes half the prize, or rather 5 pesos in this case.16 Sept 2015

Planning lawn irrigation - calculation of sprinklers - Is my connection sufficient?

I installed a Hunter automatic lawn watering system in my lawn 3 years ago. The system automatically supplies my lawn with …

Maxwells Demon free - old secret solved?

The best inventors are sure to invent the things they need…not what they want. In this particular case, the inventor @Rolf …

20 Mexican Slang Words You Need To Know!

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